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70以上 s&op process flow chart 146424-Sop process flow chart
S&OP Challenges Challenges Senior leadership support & "walk the talk" Achieving process compliance Identifying S&OP Champion or expert to lead implementation Clear definition and acceptance of roles and responsibilities, including defining specific objectives in employee appraisals Establishing S&OP meetings as the business priorityIn an operation, there's always a flow that needs to be followed to achieve the expected outcome or result Charts such as flow charts and chore charts are not able to present that information because operations follow a process Process have steps thatAccording to IBF, S&OP is a process that coordinates different areas of the business to meet customer demand with the appropriate level of supply When establishing your process, it is important to consider who will be responsible for each step of the process You will also want to set expectations for handoffs, meetings, and how you will communicate changes Effective S&OP
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