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El CGear (Cギア CGear en japonés) es una herramienta disponible únicamente en la quinta generación, es una combinación del Pokégear y el Pokéreloj pues cuenta con funciones propias del Pokégear pero se aloja en la pantalla inferior, al igual que el Pokéreloj, también podría verse como una versión mejorada del PokénavegadorCustomizing your CGear You can customize the display of your CGear in a number of ways To change the shape of the CGear "cells," tap the CGear logo at the top Keep tapping it to cycle through all of the options, which include ribbons, hearts, Pikachus, hexagons, and moreSearching for C Gear or comparable listings?

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Ridden by the best in the business XCGEAR, LLC was founded in 15 by dirt bike enthusiast and inventor, Lance Smith XCGEAR uses the latest engineering technology to create and develop the most innovative vibration damping products availableThe CGear is a new feature introduced within Pokémon Black & White It is the sucessor to the Pokétch in Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, the PokéNav in Hoenn and the PokéGear in Johto The CGear however, is far more advanced with many more features than its predecessors Obtained instantly after completing a task for Fennel in PokémonWe share a broad collection of C Gear, in addition to products such as Heating, Computer, Navigation, Tires, and lots moreBrowse our comprehensive selection, or try searching for a more particular C Gear using the search bar We have access to hundreds of thousands of items from retailers, so

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